The Sunday Sunrise

In Farm Life by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

One of the many great things to come out of quarantine is our morning routine. Every day, Isai wakes us up early and demands that Papa Bear open the window blinds.

Now that Aaron has removed all of the bushes from the front of the house, the windows in our basement bedroom flood with the Eastern light. Isai makes sure we’re awake for the kick off.

Many mornings, it’s quite spectacular. On Sunday, it was exceptionally so.

With a stormy, rainy trail of weather moving through at random times through the weekend – we were never quite sure what we would see in the sky. When the sun showed up Sunday morning, it made the most of the moment.

Pinks and blues exploded across the sky. It looked like a fiery watercolor painting. I snuck outside to snap a few photos with the dogs, then climbed back into bed to snuggle our little guy.

Pretty perfect.