We Have Two New Chucks

In Livestock by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

Cooler breezes seem to move in everyday. The temps have been absolutely perfect for outdoor chores, fire pits and, apparently, Fall calving.

Much in the way we acquired the first 3 Chucks, we have two new ones. They’ve randomly appeared as momma’s in the fields pass or abandon their newborns. This pair happened to be pretty sick for a few weeks. My dad saved them with a few touch-and-go nights. Now that they’re stable, they’re here. Grandpa Dave says they’re for Mason (my brother’s newest son) and our little one due in March – adding an “M” and “E” to the “R,” “T” and “I” already in the pasture.

The two new Chucks arrived a few days ago. Once again, we set to the task of prepping bottles every morning and evening. Usually, Aaron will tackle this while I take care of starting Isai’s breakfast or dinner. Tonight, though, Aaron was showing houses in KC and Isai and I had to complete all of the chores ourselves.

Thankfully, the little dude loves his truck and is more than happy to ride around checking out animals. As long as I make quick work of the chores needing done, he’s patient enough to get through the usual routines.

He hauled the bottles to the calf pen (yes – the same original calf pen that was a goat pen just a few weeks ago). I set them up in the bottle holsters on the fence. Then, Isai supervised while I tended to the chickens.

We’ve had one Japanese Bantam momma going broody for the past couple of weeks. Luckily, she was out and about roaming with the others. I tossed three handfuls of mealworms into the chicken run – then left to let the whole flock wander in.

The big chickens are about 6 months older than the still-growing chicks. Honestly, we’re shocked to see just how big the chicks have gotten since they started free-ranging about 3 weeks ago. They’re catching up in size fast but are still on the low end of the pecking order. They know it too. They’re the last to enter the run every night and the last to leave the coop in the mornings. Despite that – the two groups do seem to be flocking together slowly but surely.

Once the bottles were finished, we loaded them back into the truck and drove to the barn. Benning and Bragg were eagerly awaiting their kibble. We fed the cats and continued on our way around the farm for a bit to see all the pretty colors in the trees. They’re stunning right now.

The chores get tedious now and then, but it’s honestly quite a bit of fun during time we’d otherwise be spending inside. It’s especially nice when you get to share in Isai’s fun along the way.