Meet the New Chicks

In Livestock by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

A week or so ago, Aaron went to town for farm stuff and came home with new chicks. Without missing a beat, he had a whole chick habitat assembled in the garage as if our March chick babies had never left.

Since we’ve been down to 7 chickens in the coop – we’ve been feeling the itch to grow the flock. Our hens are finally laying and keeping the kitchen full of eggs. We’ve even been lucky enough to start spreading the egg love to friends and family too.

So, for some reason, we needed more chicks and more chicks is exactly what we got.

Even in only a week of time, they’ve outgrown the large storage container home we made for them. Over the weekend we were forced to go dig the old stock trough out of the brush so we could get them a bit more space to run around.

They seem to like it. They’ve been jumping on the tops of the feeder and waterer – just like our now-big chickens used to do. Isai is a big fan of checking on them. We watch them run, pick them up, pet them – they’re a big hit among the kid crowd around here.