More New Chicks

In Livestock by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

Spring is on the way. Naturally, with it, comes Chick Days at all the local farm stores. We are horrible at resisting the call of the cuteness – so, of course, our latest couple of trips into the farm supply required the purchase of a whole new flock.

Once again, these sweet little floofs are taking over our garage with loud peeps and adorableness. Everyday – on our way in or out – we must stop for Isai to check in on them and attempt to break them out of their container.

With about 6 eggs a day coming from our now year-old hens – the idea of these new little ladies bringing us more eggs later this summer is pretty exciting. We’ve been giving away 1-2 dozen a week and everyone loves the abundance. It’s seriously so fun to see the farm create something keeping plenty of friends and family members fed!