New Chickie has a Head Wound

In Livestock by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

A couple of weeks ago we put the new chicks in with the rest of flock. We think the chicks are about 11 weeks old now – so it was really time to start the integration process.

For a few days, the chicks would simply go outside in our chunnel pen so that they could peck through the grass while the rest of the flock free-ranged around them. Slowly but surely, the chicks would free-range on their own too. They even started going into the coop at night without much effort on our part. All good signs.

After a week or so of being fully in the coop and free-ranging with the rest of flock – we awoke to find one of the chicks with a severe head wound.

This little hen is likely getting picked on while in the coop or is getting mounted by one of the roosters much too aggressively. It’s hard to be sure. Regardless, she’s not in great shape.

We separated her from the flock and will have her spend a few nights in the garage like the little chicks usually do. She’s getting treated with wound cleaning spray and blue goop to help the healing. Honestly, we did some fast Googling and ran quickly through Tractor Supply to gather whatever medications they had to help her heal.

On top of a little internet research, I also asked a couple of Facebook groups about what they do to treat such a problem. The ideas were helpful. Especially the one to build a smaller cage inside of the coop that only the chicks can fit in. That way they can be with the flock but have a safe place to escape pecking and roosters.

I think we’ll likely try that soon if things don’t heal or get better fast.