The Tomatoes are Coming

In Produce Garden by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

The tomatoes are coming! The tomatoes are coming! For real, just get excited with me here for a minute. After all of the fails and flops we’re navigating in the garden – I could not be more excited that we still might just pull this off with real, fresh, amazing tomatoes.

I mean, just look at these not-quite-ripe suckers!

Granted, we have some weird shapes going on, but I will absolutely take it. Toe-mae-toe, toe-ma-toe.

The Sweeties are coming along stunningly. We’ve even been sneaking a few for early snacking.

There are also Romas, Burpee’s and Beefsteaks mixed in there. We’re really hoping for some sauces and canned ‘maters for later – but that all depends on yield at this point.

Generally – I don’t really know what I’m doing on the canning end either – so when all is said and done, I’m perfectly happy to knock these out with some salt and pepper on my own.