The Pasture Pond is Complete

In Pasture, Projects and Renovations by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

After a bit of finishing around the edges and a couple of good rains – we can officially check the new pond of our to-do lists.

The result is pretty gorgeous. Knowing what this woodline looked like before the pond and seeing how it’s been transformed is so impressive.

Aaron and my dad put in a lot of work on making this thing come to life over the past couple of weeks – and come to life it has! Not only has it completely filled up with just a couple of rainfalls, but we’re already seeing deer and animal tracks visiting along its banks.

While this project has been a long-time coming, it’s also something that you rarely accomplish easily or inexpensively. It’s a huge value driver for the property and would typically take a significant investment to put into place. Having such generous family and friends willing to bring their time, talents and equipment to the farm so that we can take this step forward is just incredible. We continue to be insanely fortunate to be surrounded and supported the by the people around us.

Next up: fencing. While Aaron continues to make progress on the more permanent fence in the Goat Grove and silvopasture, we’ll soon need to expand the enclosures around the pastures so that the cattle can move more freely. This is likely to happen with an electric fence to start, but even that takes a good amount of effort to get going. Stay tuned for what’s ahead!