Chicken Update

In Livestock by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

These cluckers are huge. Not even kidding – a couple of these guys look like they ate their chicken-twin.

Every day, the chickens keep growing and every day I discover more people that are fascinated that we have them. Let’s be honest, you guys – chickens are not an out-of-line farm bird. There are people that raise hundreds of these things at a time. We’re considered hobbyists in the very best of cases. We hardly know what we’re doing and can only barely name the chicken breeds we acquired from our impulse chick purchasing at the farm store. We love them. We built a palace for them. We are not pro chicken farmers.

With that established, there are some super cool developments to note.

  • We think we have 4 roosters
    Three of these things are massive. They also have red dongle-things on their faces (scientific term). The 4th is the smallest gray guy. He might be my actual favorite. He’s the only bird in the flock that we’ve heard try to crow. And he tries…and tries…and tries…but with, like, the most tween boy of voices. It’s incredible.
  • The girl with the hair is Betty White
    Aptly named by my sister-in-law Taylor because her headdress looks like a little old lady that just took out her rollers. Ms. Betty looks like she’s going to chase you off her lawn at any moment.
  • Pretty sure we have a pair of Black Laced Gold Wyandottes
    They are absolute stunners – but we genuinely did not know that’s what we have. When we made our chick purchase from Feldman’s we thought we were getting some Japanese Bantams – but I think we ended up with these beauties instead. We’re not mad about it.
  • The Brown chick we purchased looks like a Cinnamon Queen, Easter Egger or Golden Comet
    Again – gorgeous chicken. Not mad. We’ve really hit the pretty chicken lottery over here.
  • The big gray roosters look like Light Brahmas
    Way cool with way feathery feet.

The chickens hit Internet fame with a quick appearance on one of my conference calls for work last month. (Did I mention that people are seriously fascinated by these things?! For real!) Quarantine has been something special – introducing the coworkers to the farm has been even more so!

Here’s the pretty serene clip from a rainy day before the chicken run got a roof: