For the past 3 years, we’ve ventured to Fulk Farms in Platte City, Missouri, to chop a spectacular tree for celebrating the season. Last year, we hadn’t quite moved yet, so our Hyde Park house was our holiday home. That means that 2020 will officially be out first Christmas on the farm.
As we do, we loaded up the truck forest thing Friday morning to go find our tree. We stopped to grab coffee and hot chocolate. Then, arrived about 15 minutes after the tree farm’s opening.
In the past, that would have made us near-first. Last year, there were about 4 other families browsing with us. This year, though, there were many. So many, that they ended up selling about 500 trees in opening day alone. It was psycho from the get go.
We tried our best.
We grabbed a saw and took off into the trees with Isai in the stroller. I pushed the baby and Aaron inspected each tree we passed. “Maybe this one. …no, this one.”
Finally, we found it. At about 6.5 ft tall, it would be the perfect fit for our basement once trimmed up. Full. Narrow. It was lovely.
We went through our usual routine. Aaron got the saw started. Then, we each took a turn helping to cut. When it was close, Isai and I stepped back so Aaron could finish it off and we watched the whole thing fall to the ground.
Isai and I got in line to pay while Aaron dragged our tree to the shaker line. We moved quickly through the checkout, but found Aaron had barely moved by the time we returned. We joked with the families around us about whether or not shaking was necessary. Then, as people began to bail on the shaker line, we decided it wasn’t.
To be honest, it was more stressful than hoped. The pleasant memories of cutting down a tree were quickly tarnished by the frustration of the over-crowded process. We dragged the unshaken and unwrapped tree to the truck, tossed everything in and headed home.
Unloading – Aaron and I each grabbed an end and shook the tree in the yard. It wasn’t quit the same effect but we gave it our best. Then, we brought it inside to go in the stand. “Tell me when it’s straight,” Aaron instructed.
I started laughing. “Just keep tilting it.”
Once set, it was clear our tree has an exceptional bow in it’s truck. It stands beautifully straight. But, the stand is about 2 ft off center under the tree. It’s honestly kind of hilarious.
We found it a nice place next to the refreshed fireplace. It’s peaceful. It smells incredible. It’s another tradition continued.
Hopefully, this week, we’ll finally get to decorate it and kick off some much-needed celebration.