Now that the frigid cold has subsided and the mucky wet yard has solidified a bit – we’re getting a jump on some of our Springtime chores. The first in the very long list is trimming trees and cleaning up fallen limbs.
The ice, snow and wind of the past few weeks brought down quite a few of the older dead limbs that lingered in the tops of our trees last Fall. Seeing them drop is a welcomed clean-up – but now we need to grab them up off the lawn.
In the front yard in particular, we also had a handful of fast-growing tree-like bushes that were overgrown along with some saplings taking off under some of the large old trees. With a bit of sunshine and fresh air, we decided to tackle this first.
Aaron went to town chopping. I slowly picked up sticks and moved them to the trailer. Isai chased all of our dogs. And, the dogs led Isai back to us.
Small dude eventually decided to join in on the “fun” and started collecting his own handful of sticks to drop onto the trailer next to ours. I love that he’s taking so much interest in helping with chores and doing his part to help care for our home.
Within a couple of hours, we had completely transformed the front yard into a cleaner, less shaggy space. With the trailer heaping, we went inside for a break – leaving plenty of work to be done in the days to come.
It really never ends out here.