Morning in the Front Pasture

In Farm Life by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

This morning, the front pasture looked like the biggest, purest breath of fresh air. The early sunshine glowed over the bright blue sky. The rich green grass popped in contrast. It was stunning.

As I was heading into the office, I couldn’t help but snag a couple of photos from the end of the driveway.

“Heading into the office.” It sounds a little crazy every time I mention it. After more than a year and a half working from home and raising babies on maternity leave, I absolutely love having an office to go back to. But I also really miss spending my days on the farm.

Sure – working from the living room or basement office while renovation construction continues is a bit of a non-traditional approach. But I genuinely love hearing the chickens squawk and the goats bleat from the backyard while I take calls and tap away on my keyboard. It’s refreshing.