Golden Hour Commute

In Farm Life by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

Our son spends the bulk of his week shuffling between the houses of nearby grandparents and cousins. Despite the fact that Aaron and I are full-time work from home/remote/contract hires, we still get in a good daily commute just driving Isai to and from daycare.

Escaping the depths of gray wintery weather, I’ve been embracing the peace of the end-of-day drive. With a bit of talk news on the radio, I enjoyed staring into this beautiful golden hour sunset tonight.

Clouds moved in from the west to end the whole show early, but that didn’t stop me from grabbing a couple of quick snaps from the empty road.

The countryside views continue to be one of the best things we’ve got going for us on the farm. Even the surrounding areas you pass through to get to the farm are simply stunning.