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New Year, New House

In Farm Life by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

We promised ourselves that we would be moved and sleeping at the farm by the New Year. In fact, we psychotically planned the shuffle for the days between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Well, here we are. We borrowed my dad and Gena’s trailer and towed it with their truck. Aaron’s dad Steve and my brother Chris met up at …

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We’re Moving In

In Farm Life, Projects and Renovations by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

Aaron and I agreed that we would move out of our Central Hyde Park house at the heart of Kansas City and into the farmhouse during that weird time between Christmas and New Year’s Day. But, leave it to the Realtor to want to leave half of all of our things in the house we’re moving out of “for staging.” …

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The Allis Chalmers is Running

In Projects and Renovations by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

Ask most men about their best-ever day and they’re likely to give you a sweet response about the days they were married or when their children were born. Not my husband. Apparently, in the chaos of our last year, I completely failed to learn that Aaron’s truest dream has been to live on a farm. So, you’d think buying our …

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The Very Beginning

In Projects and Renovations by Laura CrossleyLeave a Comment

Aaron and I have been discussing the eventual purchase of a farm for more than a year. Living at the heart of urban Kansas City, Missouri, I haven’t been 100% convinced a rural farm is where we’re meant to be. However – I do know that we’d like to escape the city. I had assumed that we would strike a balance …